Making movies.
In an effort to put another string to my hilarious comedy bow, next year I'm going to make a film. Technically, finish a film as we did some last year, but the tape's been sitting doing nothing so far. But thanks to 'Video in Language teaching 2' - part of my MA course, I'll be let loose with a load of digital editing equipment.
The film's in the proud tradition of the mockumentary (That Peter Kay thing, People like us, and -genuflect now- Spinal Tap.) It's about a rural commune of artists, which is a great premise because because you can do anything. Got a funny song you want to put in?- make a character who's a funny singer. Got a not very funny poem you want to put in?- make a character who thinks he's an amazingly witty poet.
The last outing was a drive to Keilder sculpture park. The team were me and Rich and Chris as director- he's worked on and off in the film industry for about 6 years -on: whenever he can get a job on a crew, then off: back to temping at the ministry.
The location wasn't great as I'd confused Keilder with another sculpture park in the lake district. Keilder does have sculptures- but they're not exactly in a park- they're dotted around the reservoir at half-mile intervals. The plan was to do some prepared stuff and use the sculptures as inspiration for some improvisation. See a sculpture, make up a costume from the random pile of clothes in the car, then talk about it as the artist- explaining its significance etc.
In the end we'd filmed:
Lord Hawthorn on the history of the park, starting it as a Safari park in the 60's as a tax dodge.
"The Tax matador they used to call me"
Unimpressed groundskeeper (Rich), giving his take on the events, including the fertility festival 'A celebration of Spring.'
"whey, it's not what I'd call art.. fowteen pottery a jar? They wanna dee some real work,man!"
Fashion photographer Antonio (me) and Guispe, his muse (Rich) as camp as it's possible to get while using a broad yorkshire accent.
"We do all t'shows. Paris, Milano... they can't get enough of Guispe in Milano. Rome... Tadcaster. The lot."
Anyhoo, hopefully around easter we'll do a weekend shooting, put in a few more characters and get enough to knock it into a half hour show.