Crazy fool!
Still planning for our new concept middle section where the 3 of us (Callum, Al and myself) do 20 minutes of stuff together that is totally on the theme (Of Madness-1st of May.) All our notes will probably appear on the blogs in some form, so if you're a frequent reader it might spoil your enjoyment. Though it'll also be a nice, see the making of kind of effect too.
Anyway, here's something I've had here before, but rehashed into a style we can all perform.
Madness has been a staple of art and literature, for example, the criminally insane like Hannibal Lectur.
(sucks in through his teeth) Thththth!
Nice impression.
What? Oh, sorry I'm just freezing over here.
Dicken's Miss Haversham, who after being jilted at the alter wears her wedding dress for 20 years, is one of only countless examples from great literature, other such classic potreyals include er... (Al tries to think of something else from great lierature)
Howling Mad Murdock!
Er. Yes. Howling Mad Murdock.
Off of the A - team.
Actually, I'm not sure that counts.
Course it counts. He was driven mad by the terrible things he saw in 'nam.
It was the first time post traumatic stress disorder was discussed in a kids tea-time action drama.
Ground breaking.
(Pete Plays the Theme as Callum sings.)
howling mad murdoc - totally crazy
because he had seen the horrors of war
he dropped nepalm on vietcong strong holds
and killed civilians by the score
(Pete peters out, as he doesn't know the middle 8, while Cal sings on..)
burning death
will fall upon you
like rain
and you know that it will...
take your face off.
(Pete joins in again with a final blast of guitar for the good bit. They stop singing.)
I wish I'd been in 'Nam.
Yeah, 'nam rocks!
Hi five for 'Nam!
Are you two finished? Anyway, he's not really THAT crazy, he's just a bit odd. He's still a fully functioning member of the A - team, which is quite a demanding role. It's not like they're ever coverting the van and he just manages to smear the word 'mother on the side in his own poo. He's just a bit weird. 'delightfully eccentric' murdoch would be a better name.
(Pete Plays the Theme as Callum sings.)
Delightfully eccentric Murdock-
In one episode he talked to a plant.
but he was still sane enough to fly helicopters
and take part in elaborate plans.