PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Too Tired.

I've started diaries before, one I had when I was little just has 'too tired' on almost every single page.

I'm knackered today and can't be bothered with this - but I don't want to fall back to doing two entries a week, and I can't fib you off with 'too tired' so I'll force myself. I really am tired and can't concentrate on anything - not even the real work of my MA essays. Yesterday I went to pick my wife up and instinctively picked up all the stuff I'd need in the car- keys, phone, wallet and a tape measure. I didn't need the tape measure, I just picked it up for no aparent reason and brought it along. When we got home I discovered I'd put my hair gel in the fridge while cleaning up. I am obviously going nuts. Ho hum.

It made me think of the weird things people do anyway. Not just through absent-mindedness. I mean the little songs, phrases and even dances we do on our own in the course of a normal day. I had fish and chips for lunch last week and while looking for the vinegar I began singing about my plight -'Where's the bloody salt and vinegar, do do da da vin-e-gar!' I think it was to the tune of 'rule britainia', and I was doing it in a rather natty Noel Coward voice. You don't see that much on TV, even though its an easy way to squeeze another joke into any scene where somone's on their own. The only example I can recall is Hancock chanting 'DRINKA-PINTA-MILKA-DAY.' when he's on his own in the waiting room in 'the blood donor'.

Other news - I've noticed the 'next blog' button on blogger and been occassionally tapping it to see who I'm next door too (though it changes every time) next door today is 'roomies110' - a blog which confirms the fears of everyone who thinks Americans are morons. It's by someone at an American UNIVERSITY, and this is a project she's doing...

"this is for an actual project that I have to do for my math class (it has to do with graphing and finding mean, median, mode and making an attractive model for my teacher) ANYWAYS..Please leave me a comment that answers that following question
About how many times a day does your phone ring?"

She also has an entry entitled "Guess What?????" which turns out to be about the fact that she's giving up drinking 'pop'.

Who cares?????


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