PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Today's LLC is about Sport. The competiton is suggestions to improve sports, and as I'm compereing most of it myself, I thught I should do some preparation. So I'm trying to have a suggestion for nearly every sport ready, so any suggested can be met with a quick and hilarious suggestion for improvment.

Giant crazy golf. So a typical 9th hole (300 yards par 4) is an unbdulating pink aiplane runway with a windmill at the end.

The marathon is based on the route of the runner who took news of the battle of Marathon back to Athens. So every year another distance related to a historical battle should be attempted. Eg. The 8000 mile 'long march' of the retreating Chinese communist army.

Sticks of dynamite replace batons. This means the runners are still competing against each other, but there's also an element of beat the clock.

Targets. This was originally used for fighting or hunting so they wouldn't be happy with the longest distance, they'd want acuraccy too. "300 yards? Very impressive, but the stag's over there!" The targets should idealy be mechanical ducks or giant playing cards.

diving/basketball -hoops of fire.
table tennis- the players should themselves be on another giant table. Just to freak them out.
tennis-not just clay and grass, also ice, sand and lava.
rugby-drinking games incorporated into the match.
iceskating / figure skating / Ice hockey - a few holes, with occassional killer whales attempting to eat competitiors.
polevault- a team of 3 attempt to use 1 pole.
discus - done over a lake.
hammer - must knock a nail in
high jump- over a brick wall.


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