I occassionally do character comedy, usually wrapped round a suitable song -hence my singing cowboy, singing yokel and singing guatemalan busker. This last one was the short lived product of noting down the words 'troosers, losers, youze is(to be sung in bad spanish accent)' This resurfaced as a song where Paulo from Guatemala was fixated by the fact that everyone in England wore trousers. 'Even the weemin' is wearing troosers' and to ingratiate himself he busked a song about the British love of strides.
But what's great about characters is that you come up with material that would be impossible to think of or perform as yourself. It was Ned Nineacres who was bemused by the lyrics of the Who's 'Pinball wizard', not me. In one performance Paulo came out with the following (I think) comedy gold...
(This does rather depend on you being familiar with the title song of the film 'Arthur')
My friend Raoul - he's gone native loco man, loco loco- he acts all eenglish - and he has 5 pairs of troosers. It's true man, 5 pairs - it is his dream one day to have a pair for every day of the week. -It's crazy man, but it's true. You know that song? (Sing's Arthur's theme) IF YOU GET CAUGHT BETWEEN THE MOON AND NEW YORK CITY, I KNOW IT CRAZY, BUT IT TRUE! I love that song man, you know that was real popular in our village when the movie came out. We loved the movie and the song was a hit too - but then a rumour started that it was possible to get stuck between the moon and New York city, and that this was happening all the time man. I know it's not true now- you know, I guess if you live in New York and the moon is up, then you can jump and you're between the moon and New York city - but you don' get stuck, you just fall down. But, well the media in my country is a little different, and this rumour spread like wildfire, and everyone is terrified. So when I was walking home from the village and I see the moon, i was always lookin' over my shoulder, trying to see if New York city was a sneakin' through the bushes, tryin' to get me.
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