PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gig 5. Touch, if you will, my stomach.

This was me and Rich again, back at the Cumberland arms around May 2005.
I had a sampler from my music days which I'd been considering using somehow. I could record 8 phrases on it and play them back with the touch of a button and I thought there had to be comedy potential somewhere. My first idea was to make a crappy looking robot out of a shoe box and do a kind ot 'Tommorow's World' thing, with Rich slowly becoming less impressed with my amazing talking droid.

However, we decided it would be a lot better to record a celebrity voice instead, we considered doing a seance with Hendrix.

What's the afterlife like then Jimi?
Purple haze! All around.
Doen't sound like heaven. I Sense Jimi is still in purgatory, waiting to see if he makes it to heaven or not.
Dont know if I'm going up or down.

However, Rich pointed out that the funniest music celeb. is Prince. And as He's famously only 6 inches tall we went with the idea that prince would be in a box during the interview. So after announcing that I wouldn't need Rich this week, as I had a proper celeb. guest I conducted the interview, asking questions then pointing the mic. down into the box while cunningly pressing the sampler to generate the reply.

So Prince, do you like Newcastle?
Oh Yeah!
And have you just arrived, or have you been here a while?
It's been seven hours and 16 days!
Oh yes, you've just flown in from Africa where you were helping with Live 8, I believe you met Kofi Annan. What did you say to him?
You sexy mother fucka!

It ended when Prince escaped from the box and ran up Rich's trouser leg, we used a balled up sock Rich pulled up on a string. I don't know if anyone beyond the front row noticed this subtle prop, but the sketch as a whole was well recieved. We'll have to do it again sometime, if only to justify the hours I spent getting the sampler to work.


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