PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Gig 4. Part 2. You, your momma, and the horse you rode in on.

The second part of gig 4. I had seen somewhere a list of the ten best/worst country and western titles. Eg.

If bad luck was pennies, I'd have a shit load of pennies.
Kissing cousins. (Well, I say kissing.)
Don't sleep on the tracks A.K.A. One legged hobo blues.
I love you, your momma and the horse you road in on.

Actually I made all of those up. The only one I remember is the one I borrowed for the act, -'If I'd killed her when I wanted to, I'd be out of jail by now.' Normally I don't like any kind of plagiarism, but I didn't see this as stealing a joke -for all I know the original writer of this song was serious, so I'm no more stealing a joke than someone who quotes George Bush and makes fun of that. Not convinced? No, neither was I, so in the intro to the song my character explains that he didn't write the title.

"It's a co-lab-o-ration! Now, normally I don't do co-laboratin', on account 'a co-laboratin' with another man is just one step away from that there homee-sexy-ality."

He's a fairly unpleasant character -a homophobic misogynist, singing about wife murder.

"This here song's about how to treat your woman right and give her everything she deserves...a 1, a 2, a 1,2,3...Weeeell, I'm sitting in the jail house, I still got blood on my hands..."

Strangely this was once reviewed as 'endearing'. Possibly more about me than the character because my guitar playing went completely to pot and I endearingly struggled on regardless.


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