PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Mark Thomas / Rob Newman

I went to the gig last night expecting Thomas to be political and not knowing what to expect Newman to be. Well they were both political. I don`t like politics. Never have. Don`t read newspapers, don`t watch the news. I know some of you are thinking - thicko. But if you want I can prove I`m intelligent in other ways - I`m just not interested - the news to me is a list of bad things I can`t fix and a list of names I don`t know of people I`ll never meet. If anything it`s emotional rather than intellectual, I can`t drum up onterest in things that distant. It`s the same reason I don`t like football - 11 men I`ve never met against another 11 men I`ve never met - why do I care who wins?

so some of it to me came a bit close to rants and lectures. I don`t mind this persay, Bill Hicks could rant and still be the funniest thing you ever heard and The Mark Steel lectures teach you things that are interesting and funny. But Newman`s explanation of the real cause of WW1 being Iraqi oil, centainly wasn`t funny - and was surprisingly uninteresting considering it`s apparently true but practically unknown. Possibly I was dissappointed with newman because, if he hadn`t developed a social conscience (sell out) and just tried to be funny I`d really, really like him. Some of his ideas were great - his mime of the Americans building permanent bases, became the wrist action for foppish 18th century game, gaylord tennis. He suggested trains should be spilt not into first and standard, but various coaches, including Victorian scientists` club and the Hobo carriage - empty appart from straw, and you can only jump in once it`s moving. So when he`s not serious and up to date (yawn-personally) he`s whimsically in the romantic past. (Huzah!)

In the end I preffered Thomas - possibly because I expected not to. He related his latest stunts, attempts to trap crooked arms dealers, but in a very human way - some of the best laughs were the little details and personalities. (Of a protestant Irish Friend `But he`s not in the orange order or anything, I tested him - I said do you want to go for a walk, he said No t`anks Mark I`m fine here.`)

In all, some good moments- but it`s not really a comedy show - if you already know Bush is a Bastard and don`t want to hear it again, stay home.


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