PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Gig 51. Stockton Arc.

A quick, tea break entry for a quite important gig. The benefit of Al Dawes being in spain (beyond the obvious one of being rid of the fat twart) is that when promoter Pete Vincent is looking for someone to fill 10 minutes he gets a bit futher down his list. To me in fact. So I found myself following compere Steffan Peddie on to the stage at the Stockton Arc. A proper theatre, there was a grand piano onstage for gawd's sake. (Which in retrospect I should have used- I must learn 'Darwin!-The Musical' properly.) All in all an OK gig, they laughed at the 'gags'- but didn't go with the weird rambles so much. Possibly because in that setting I didn't have the confidence I have at the LLC and didn't sell them quite as well. Anyway, I got another gig in Middlesborough out of it so I must have done Ok.
And I'll be ready for next time...

A 1,2,3, 4... Oh Mr. Darwin...


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