PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

gig 21 - our first show.

First, sorry for the delay, if I'm going to bother with this blog at all I'll have to update it more than once a week. I'm basically apologising to myself - this is pretty much a private excercise in writing, it's just that the fact that other people could potentially (though not actually) read it, means I'm more likely to write it.

The first night of Long Live Comedy was last night. It was well enough attended to make it worthwhile, thanks to Callum's mates. I thought I'd done my share by putting up posters in town, but they obviously didn't work as there were no strangers in the audience. Hopefully I can get a handful of people down next time. Thanks to a cancellation I ended up doing more than I'd expected. I did the routine I did for the student awards and Cal and I did a longer link that sort of made a sketch about me performing a magic trick. Al also did 10 minutes including a good dose of new stuff. For a full rundown of the show see the LLC site (although not yet, give me till the weekend.)

Well, I forced myself to write something today -but as you can see I couldn't really be bothered. I listened to a compilation of Douglas Adams' writing in the car last week (thank the lord for libraries and talking book sections) and was inspired. Adams is only laugh out loud funny about once in 500 words, but he's always interesting and just, well, nice. I think rather than always limply describing the trials of a half-arsed wannabe stand up (which is only of interest to other half-arsed wannabe stand ups-and even then not much) I'm going to try writing funny things. And I don't mean always writing bits of stand up. I'm going to try to occassionally write stuff that's interesting and just, well, nice.

But not today, obviously. Today I'll just tell you that I'm planning to write stuff that's interesting and just, well, nice.


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