PeetThompson's Blog.

Comedy in Newcastle.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A venue at last?

Monday night at Agora was an absolute flop - it was a music night after all and the audience were used to just chatting with half an ear to the music. They had the same attitude to comedy - which doesn't make for a good gig.

But the good news, we (me, Al, Cal) also went to the Dig and Parrot and got a gig. I don't want to get too excited as we have to make sure it's definitely on and doesn't clash with anything else. Above all we don't want to throw a spanner in the works of Northbynortheast, who ran the Chillingham Arms and the Egypt Cottage nights. But it looks like they want to have something in Newcastle like the current Sunderland Royalty - where there are 3 - 4 good acts who've proved themselves. We want our bits to be as good as we can get them, but with a little room to experiment and sometimes fall on our arses. We'd also give anyone a slot - there has to be somewhere that absolute beginners can have a go.

So, we are tentatively planning our first gig as hosts and main contributers. One problem with this is that some weeks it might be just us three and a couple of beginners with untried 5 mins. So we have to come up with other things to do - possibly to act as links between acts, until the compere skills get better. I have previously mentioned the 'I'm sorry i haven't a clue games' as potential - but on that occasion I couldn't think of any examples. I've since listened to a great episode, including a game that might work.

New Definitions.

Dictator - humorously shaped root vegetable.
Colonnade -a fizzy enema.
intercontinental -someone who wets themselves all over the world.

The idea was that we could each do 4 or 5 examples at the start of the show, and provide paper and pencils (Thanks, IKEA.) and the audience could note down any that occurred to them during the show, and we could read out the suggestions later.

The only thing is- this will only work if it's reasonably easy. As an experiment I will now read the front page of the paper - and see if i can come up with any....

discussion - not dat cushion.
abundance - what people do during Sir mixalot's 'Baby Got Back' .

Potential? Have a go, think of 5 long words - I bet you can do it with one of them. I've just tried that too and got;

supercilious - a very silly roman.




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